6 Quotes & Sayings By Chocolate Waters

Chocolate Waters is an author, poet, and speaker. Her books include "Come to Me" (2012), "My Life's Passion, A Survivor's Story" (2012), the "Godspeed" series, "The Pursuit of Happiness", "The Love You Want", "I Am Love", and "The Power of Love". She has also written several children's books for the educational market. She has spoken to audiences throughout the world on her message of hope and inspiration.

THIS IS A COMPLIMENT?You're incrediburgableshe saidwhich is to say You're a little like incrediblebut a lot more like ahamburger. Chocolate Waters
ELVIS & MARILYN:The deader they get -the more money they make. Chocolate Waters
DISARM ALL RAPISTSBut what will we do With their legs? Chocolate Waters
(1)BEING A POETis like opening a car door& exposing yourself.(2) B E I N G A GOOD POETis like opening the door& exposing the passengeras well. Chocolate Waters
REFUSALWhen you refuseto tell your weightand age, people knowyou're fat and old. Chocolate Waters